Talk On Code Of Conduct
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Talk On Code Of Conduct

  • Date of Event: 03-03-2023
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

The Ethical Committee hosted a Code of Conduct Talk for undergraduate and graduate students on March 3, 2023, in the college auditorium. The purpose of the talk was to promote a better comprehension and adherence to ethical guidelines and standards in the professional realm, particularly within the realm of technology and coding. The event's primary focus was on the importance, principles, and actual application of codes of conduct in various professional settings. In his introductory remarks, Dr. Paul M.P. discussed the definition and idea of a code of conduct. The fundamental principles that underpin a robust code of conduct—integrity, respect, responsibility, and transparency—were also covered in detail during the conversation. The context in which these concepts were explained was the application of these concepts to real-world scenarios. The occasion served to underscore the significance of proficient communication in dental practice and to furnish dental practitioners with the instruments and tactics to enhance their linguistic abilities.

Participants were encouraged to share their thoughts, experiences, and insights regarding the application of the code of conduct and problems in different professional settings through the event's interactive discussions. This interactive element made it possible for knowledge sharing and peer learning. Through the interactive conversations at the event, participants were invited to express their ideas, opinions, and insights about how the code of conduct is applied and issues that arise in various professional settings. Peer learning and the exchange of knowledge were enabled by this interactive component.

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